Author Archives: alyssa

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS: Manual Roadside Fuels Reduction Services in the Salmon Creek Watershed

The Humboldt County Resource Conservation District is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced contractors to provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to carry out the Manual Roadside Fuels Reduction Services in the Salmon Creek Watershed. Contractor qualifications for the Manual Roadside Fuels Reduction Services in the Salmon Creek Watershed Roadside Ingress & Egress Fuels…

Press Release: Knob 2021 and Six Rivers Lightning Complex 2022 Post-Fire Disaster Recovery Projects

Eureka, CA, 4/29/2024 The Humboldt County Resource Conservation District (HCRCD) has been awarded a $4,476,444.32 grant from the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD) to fund post-fire resilience work on non-federal lands impacted by the Knob 2021 and Six Rivers Lightning Complex 2022 wildfires. HCRCD will use this grant to provide technical assistance and…

Attention Willow Creek Landowners

If you are located in the areas of Willow Creek, Salyer, or Hawkins Bar and are interested in the Community Wildfire Resilience Project for the Greater Willow Creek Area, please fill out the form below to learn more about how this project could potentially benefit you as a landowner.  Loading…

Local Working Group Meeting

March 21st, 2024 9:30am-12:00pm at the Humboldt Agricultural Center for small market agricultural organizations and producers The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Humboldt County Resource Conservation District  (HCRCD) would like to invite you to a quarterly Local Working Group Meeting. NRCS and HCRCD are nonregulatory organizations that provide technical assistance and cost-share funding for…

Applications Open – USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service RCPP

Soil Health Management Systems of Northern California Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) is a collaborative program sponsored by the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS). This program provides funding for implementation of soil health related practices on farms and ranches within Northern California. Agricultural producers interested in receiving NRCS cost share funds to implement soil health practices…