Informal Bidding / Qualified Contractors List

The District is inviting all interested licensed contractors to submit their company for inclusion on the District’s Qualified Contractors’ List for the District’s informally bid projects under the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (“CUPCCAA”). Contractors wishing to be added to or dropped from the District’s Qualified Contractors’ List, or wishing to provide updated contact information to the District, need to submit a request. Contractors that have registered on the District’s Qualified Contractors’ List will be notified about the District’s public construction projects valued at less than $200,000. Project notification will include a general project description, location of where to obtain more detailed information, and the time and place of bid submission at least ten (10) calendar days in advance of the submission deadline and bid opening.

To register, delete, or update information for the District’s Qualified Contractors’ List, complete the form, “Qualified Contractors Information Form” at