Advertisement for Bids for Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project – 2023 Sediment Management Area Maintenance

Humboldt County Resource Conservation District will accept bids for the Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project – 2023 Sediment Management Area Maintenance project. Bids will be received at the office of GHD Inc., 718 Third Street, Eureka, California until 3PM, Pacific Daylight Time FRIDAY AUGUST 18, 2023. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for FRIDAY AUGUST 11, 2023 at 1PM at 865 Port Kenyon Road Ferndale, CA 95536. Attendance at the pre-bid meeting is highly encouraged.

Construction Documents

Construction Plans

Pre-bid Meeting Sign-in Sheet

Bid Results

Company/AffiliationBase Bid
Mobley Construction$357,350.00 
Figas Construction$399,090.00 
Mercer-Fraser Company$393,525.00 
McCullough Construction$431,726.60