Carbon Farm & Soil Health Planning Technical Assistance Application

The Humboldt County Resource Conservation District (HCRCD) is inviting agricultural land managers who are interested in conservation, soil health, and carbon sequestration to apply to receive technical assistance with on-farm planning at no cost. Plans can be used to seek funding for implementation of recommended practices. HCRCD anticipates selecting 10 – 16 land managers to receive plans over the next two years. This application packet serves as a guidance document that establishes the process, procedures, and general requirements to apply for and receive technical assistance.

The application deadline for the first round of application review is September 30, 2023; however, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed quarterly until March 31, 2025. Applications can be filled on the fillable form, below, and emailed to Jake Taulbee at, or downloaded and sent via hardcopy to 5630 South Broadway, Eureka, CA 95503. If you need assistance filling out the application, contact Jake Taulbee at

Carbon Farm & Soil Health Application – fillable form

Carbon Farm & Soil Health Application – hardcopy form