The Humboldt County Resource Conservation District is a non-regulatory organization that works in voluntary cooperation with landowners, residents, and community groups. The District is governed by a Board of Directors made up of volunteer community leaders appointed by the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors. The Board of Directors holds regularly scheduled meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 8am at the Humboldt Agricultural Center Main Auditorium at 5630 South Broadway in Eureka, CA. Meetings are open to the public and agendas can be found here.

The District’s primary technical services are provided through a cooperative partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), as well as technical staff specifically hired by the District through grant funds. The District has a strong reputation as a leader in promoting locally led, voluntary conservation and has a history of success in working with partners and private landowners. The District has successfully completed multiple implementation projects to restore ecosystems, remove fish barriers, reduce sediment delivery to local tributaries, and improve grazing management. The District has also maintained a successful dairy program on behalf of producers needing assistance with structural improvements, nutrient management and regulation compliance. The success of District is based on the excellent collaboration with partners to accomplish common goals while serving private and public land managers. The District also places high priority on outreach within the community regarding project development and implementation.

The District is guided by its Long-Range Plan, which is updated every three to five years through a public process.


The Humboldt County Resource Conservation District was originally formed by popular vote in March of 1987 as the Eel River Resource Conservation District. In June of 1993 the District was expanded to be a countywide Special District. Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) are legal subdivisions of state government. Division 9 of the California Public Resources Code authorizes the formation of Resource Conservation Districts, defines the State of California’s framework for conducting the business of resource conservation within the State, and details the general powers and operations of RCDs.


Humboldt County Resource Conservation District is a trusted and financially stable partner, connecting our community to funding and resources to enhance the resiliency of our natural resources and the productivity of our working lands.


The mission of the Humboldt County Resource Conservation District is to assist private and public landowners in the planning, design, and implementation of soil, water, and forest resource conservation practices to improve and enhance natural and working lands in Humboldt County.


A trusted partner for the community and successful at assisting with funding, education, implementation and maintenance of resource conservation projects to serve the District’s constituents.