East Garberville Shaded Fuel Break

Enhancing community protection and forest health in partnership with private landowners, Southern Humboldt Fire Safe Council, and CAL FIRE.

Project Objectives and Process

To help increase the pace and scale of hazardous fuel mitigation in California, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) contracted with the Humboldt County RCD to develop a fuel reduction project on 46 acres along eastern edge of Garberville to reduce hazardous vegetative fuels and enhance forest health conditions. Fuel treatments, completed in 2021 and 2022, included understory sapling and brush removal, tree limbing, chipping, and mastication to mitigate ladder fuels, create defensible space, and enhance access for emergency responders. Furthermore, this project enhanced access to the ridgetop above town and provide a strategic holding feature.

This project has been long-advocated for by the Southern Humboldt Fire Safe Council, who remains an active partner in the project. The project was implemented on private lands with the cooperation and active participation of the landowners – thank you!

Questions about the East Garberville Shaded Fuel Break?

Contact foresthealth@hcrcd.org

Get Involved!

Are you struggling to prepare your home and property to survive the impacts of wildfire? Fill out the Hazardous Vegetation Reduction Interest Form!

Want to help build community resilience to wildfire?