Williams Creek Restoration Project
Sediment deposition, flooding, and ponding continually occur along Williams Creek during typical rain events, impacting surrounding properties and degrading the freshwater fish habitat along the coast. This project proposes the restoration of an approximately 1.8 mile stretch from the confluence of Williams Creek and the Salt River up to Grizzly Creek Road. The plan involves widening and deepening the channel and the construction of another Sediment Management Area along the restoration reach.
The primary goal of this project is to reduce flooding, increase drainage, and restore and enhance the stream habitat. The restoration of Williams Creek will ultimately improve the capacity and hydrologic conveyance of the channel by re-establishing ecological processes that benefit surrounding properties, fish, and other native species. This effort aims to increase the community’s resilience to the effects of climate variability. Additionally, it will support fish and wildlife in adapting to future climatic events.
Project Update
The Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project and the William Creek Restoration Project have, since late 2021, been on hold with no estimated date for implementation. Salt River is restored to the Highway 211 Bridge; this is a stable location, and the six miles of restored Salt River channel implemented to date is expected to continue to function. There are several challenges to completing the remaining 1.2 miles of Salt River, which will reconnect approximately 57% of the watershed, including Williams Creek, Coffee Creek, and the upper Salt River. These challenges include a property boundary dispute that leaves the HCRCD with no clear options for placing the channel and the need to place a sediment management area on Williams Creek to capture the sediments that will compromise the function of the Salt River. Williams Creek plans are 30% complete.
Williams Creek Alternatives Analysis
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